Victory day is the most respected holiday in the history of our country. In LLC "SK-pharmacy" carefully venerate tradition to honor those who gave us Victory, those who continues to be an example of courage, valor and love of life. Upon heroic and remarkable date – 71st -anniversary of the great Victory on behalf of all the employees of LLC "SK-pharmacy" veterans were congratulated by the management of company. They sincerely thanked the veterans for their indomitable courage and heroism, honor and bravery, said the words of profound gratitude for the contribution to the Victory over fascism and the bright future of generations.
Except for warm words of gratitude veterans were presented with gifts. Each veteran received a modern blood pressure monitor and a food basket for the holiday table. Their stories about the horrors and deprivations of war once again stressed the invaluable opportunity to live today under the peaceful sky.
- We heartily thank our veterans for the great victory and peaceful life, which they won for us and our children. The stories of veterans about the war and about what they had experienced, forced us to re-understand and appreciate the significance of their immortal exploits, through which we are now living in peacetime - said.N. Alibayev, Chairman of the Board of LLC "SK-pharmacy". On behalf of the entire team we congratulate all veterans of GPW and home front workers with the upcoming 71st anniversary of the great Victory and thank for the Victory, for a nice and great holiday – Victory Day! Obeisance to all our veterans, and home front workers. Happy holiday! With the holiday of the great Victory! Good health, long life and eternal memory in the hearts of new generations!