
In Kazakhstan

Introduction of obligatory medical insurance Kazakhstan postponed until January 1, 2018
14 July 2016
Introduction of obligatory medical insurance Kazakhstan postponed until January 1, 2018

The date of implementation of medical insurance in Kazakhstan is postponed for half a year. According to the  vice-chairman of Committee of medical services payment of MHSD Gulzhan Shaykhybekova, introduction medical insurance is planned since January 1, 2018, correspondent reports.+

"By the current legislation the right to medical care in system of medical insurance comes since July 1, 2017. At the same time, we have received the order of the Head of state about change of term of implementation of medical insurance for half a year later. That is, fees and assignments will begin since July 1, 2017, and the right to medical care (…) will come since January 1, 2018," she said.
According to Shaykhybekova, the order of the Head of state has been connected with the fact that "for participants of system of medical insurance - subjects of health care, the beginning medical since a half-year was inconvenient" as "within one financial year the customer of medical services changes".

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